Carlson Survey IntelliCAD
Carlson Survey IntelliCAD is designed to complement land surveying operations and provides a variety of survey features to process data from surface modeling to Least Squares Network Adjustment. Users work seamlessly between the office and the field by utilizing company-wide design templates for simplified and efficient CAD work.
The most robust Land Surveying software on the market and global CAD leader...
- Import and export to native DWG, DGN, DXF, LandXML, C3D file formats
- Complete COGO, legal description, and Field to Finish solution
- Comprehensive contour, 3D surface models, profiles, and annotation commands
- Automated subdivision development via Carlson LotNET
- Extensive least squares adjustment command with Carlson SurvNET
Carlson Survey can be purchased as a standalone module or as part of the Civil Suite or Select Suite. This product can be installed standalone with the included license of IntelliCAD 12.1 or integrated into your 2019-2025 AutoCAD, AutoCADMap, or Civil3D license.
Network licenses available. Contact us for more info.
The price reflects a new, end user perpetual license. If you are a current Carlson user, please contact us for maintenance renewal or cross-grade options.
- Built on IntelliCAD 12.1
- Project Setup – Flexible data storage methods
- Drawing Cleanup – Fix common drafting errors
- Data Compatibility – Supports industry standard LandXML and scores of specific data conversions
- Build Surfaces – By triangulation or rectangular grids
- Contouring – One step triangulate and contour from 3D entities as well as contouring from surface files
- Surface Manager – Change surface display properties and adjust surface functions to add and remove points and breaklines and swap edges
- Volumes – Earthwork volumes between triangulation or grid surfaces
- Pad Design – Tie cut/fill slopes from pad perimeter to surface, build pad surface, calculate and balance volumes, and edit pad parameters
- Design and Edit Centerlines – Design or input alignments on screen or in dialog with graphics
- Label Stations and Offsets – Annotate station and offsets along centerline and at selected points
- Calculate Offsets – Reports stations and offsets for selected points along centerline
- Create Offset Points – Create points at specified stations and offsets
- Spirals – Flexible handling of the most complex spiral curves including spiral-only, spiral-arc, arc-spiral-line and line-spiral-line
- Create Profiles – From surfaces, screen entities, points on centerline, etc.
- Quick Profile – One step profile creation with real-time update while adjusting centerline
- Input-Edit Profiles – Enter profile data in dual spreadsheet and graphic window, and design in reference to controlling profile grade points
- Draw Profiles – Draws profiles on grids or plan-profile sheets with auto-updating based on edits
- Profiles To 3D – Create points and 3D polylines from profiles
- Import/Export – User-defined import and export of point data along with conversions with specific other formats
- Draw Points – Draw points with settings for symbols, layers and styles
- Point Groups – Point group manager to define sets of point by filters
- Coordinate File History – Tracks all changes to points with report and undo functions
- Fix Point Label Overlaps – Finds point label overlaps with rule options to fix automatically
- Point Tools – Utilities for modify point labels such as move with leader, twist and resize
- Data Collection Interfaces – Upload and download to popular data collectors
- Traverse Adjustment – Spreadsheet editor for raw data with graphics and processing for traverse adjustments
- SurvNET – Advanced network least-squares for total station, GPS and level data
- Field-to-Finish – Draw points with styles and in point groups set by point descriptions and draw linework by several flexible methods
- Field-to-Finish Inspector – Inspect all field-to-finish elements, see description source and re-draw based on descriptions edits
- COGO – Streamlined inverse, traverse, sideshot, intersections, interpolation, translate, rotate, scale and align
- Coordinate Transformations – Transform coordinates and screen entities between lat/lon and grid projections as well as local to local by Helmert and least-squares methods
- Deeds – Enter deed by description, read deed data from deed file, deed reports, deed correlation and generate legal description from drawing
- Cut Sheets – Create custom cut sheet reports with reference grades and station-offsets
- Label Areas – Customized area label styles and several methods to select areas to label
- Size Areas – Sliding side area, hinged area, area radial from curve and bearing area cutoff
- Lot Manager – Lot definitions by point numbers with functions to create lots, conduct mapcheck for closure, edit in spreadsheet with graphics, report lots and draw lots
- Lot Layout – Size lots along alignment with controls for target area, setback and frontage
- Offsets, Intersection and Cul-de-Sacs – Layout for ROW and EOP linework
- Angle & Distance Labels – Flexible routines to label linework in all possible layout combinations plus available rules to automatically fix label overlaps and revise labels when entities move
- Curve Labels – Label curve data in stack, along arc or in table
- Survey Text – Routines to create typical plat labels such as offset and building dimensions
- Label Elevations – Label spot elevations along an alignment
- Linetypes – Draw special linetypes
- Added Path Selection Automation in ASCII TXT import
- Processing GSAL records for RW5 GPS processing supports SurvCE & PC versions
- Edit-Process Raw - Scale Values routine now updates the UN (distance unit) value if explicit destination distance unit is specified by the user
- Edit-Process Raw - Added New/Existing file selection to Edit Process Raw
- Best fit line LSQ - added line printout
- Draw Legend - improved handling text in the entity contents
- SurvNET now handles tilt sensor in GNSS surveys
- Added individual horizontal and vertical residual display and process control in Best-Fit Point
- Added new option in Field to Finish to Auto-Annotate Lines, Arcs, and Areas
- Improved the creation of Point Groups by Prefix/Suffix
- Added "Point Notes" toggle to the "Inverse Options" dialog
- Added option to set a symbol rotation in Field to Finish
- Added option to use Mtext in Label latitude longitude coordinates
- Added more decimal options for Map Check
- Added option in Edit/Process Raw to draw side shots from single occupied point for draw traverse/sideshot lines
- Added Global Edit options for GIS/Note/Point Attribute Labels in Field to Finish
- Added option for reporting residuals between measured and stored points in Edit/Process Raw
- Cutsheet - Added "strip trailing zero decimals" option for offsets
- Enter Deed Description – recalls last entry after Undo
- Interval Along Entity supports 3D distances
- Improvements adding more flexibility using Offset Points by Interval
- Carlson Cloud - Job Share – supports CRD, CRDB, CGC, MDB, ZAK
- Field to Finish - New setting implemented in F2F, which will automatically download missing symbols from the Carlson community
- Improved performance of drawing points in Field to Finish and Draw-Locate Points
- Updates to Legal Description Writer
- New (ADD_TBL) command allows users to add existing linework labels to existing or new tables
- Updated Line & Curve table commands & adjustments
- AUTOPNT: Option for centroid of polylines
- Added warning for bad values when converting Lat/Lon coordinates
- Added ability to parse Multiple Note/attribute fields in Import Text/ASCII files
- LOTNet supports creation of blocks, management of lot types, and lot renumber includes block names