Carlson Survey AutoCAD OEM
Carlson Survey is designed to complement land surveying CAD operations and provides a variety of survey commands to process extensive datasets from surface modeling to Least Squares Network Adjustment.
The most robust Land Surveying software on the market and global CAD leader...
- Import & Export to DWG, DGN, DXF, LandXML, C3D file formats
- Complete COGO & Field to Finish solution
- Comprehensive contouring, surface modeling, legal description writer, annotation, and centerline commands
- Automated subdivision development and layout via Carlson LotNET
This product features the AutoCAD OEM 2022 64-bit embedded CAD engine. This module does not include the full version of AutoCAD nor IntelliCAD, and resembles a limited version of AutoCAD.
The advertised price is the price of a new end-user perpetual license, not the maintenance renewal or upgrade cost from a previous Carlson Survey OEM version. If you are a current Carlson Survey OEM user, please contact us for renewal options.
- Added ability to select and draw multiple centerline files
- Added support for GONS in Annotate Defaults and Label Angle
- Improved control over stationing centerlines including when importing from a CL file
- Added the ability to Edit a GNSS base point coordinates and adjust the associated side shots
- Added option to invert arcs when using sketch tree line
- Added access to the Symbol Library directly from the Draw Field to Finish dialog box
- Added option to use Point Names when converting Civil 3D Points to Carlson Points
- Added individual horizontal and vertical residual display and process control in Best-Fit Point
- Added new option in Field to Finish to Auto-Annotate Lines, Arcs, and Areas
- Added support for GONS in radial stakeout
- Added option to set a symbol rotation in Field to Finish
- Added option to use Mtext in Label latitude longitude coordinates
- Added more decimal options for Map Check
- Added option in Edit/Process Raw to draw side shots from single occupied point for draw traverse/sideshot lines
- Added Global Edit options for GIS/Note/Point Attribute Labels in Field to Finish
- Added option for reporting residuals between measured and stored points in Edit/Process Raw
- Inverse command adds an option to support default annotation settings and additional slope labeling options
- New (ADD_TBL) command allows users to add existing linework labels to existing or new tables
- Updated Line & Curve table commands & adjustments
- AUTOPNT: Option for centroid of polylines
- Added warning for bad values when converting Lat/Lon coordinates
- Added ability to parse Multiple Note/attribute fields in Import Text/ASCII files
- LOTNet supports creation of blocks, management of lot types, and lot renumber includes block names